New Haircut - Product Strategy

Use our product discovery tools to solve the right customer problems the right way.

Trusted by 3,532 product leaders from Google, Amazon, Nike, Home Depot, Disney, and more.

“I’ve relied on New Haircut’s tools and training across two companies now. They consistently deliver world-class product discovery that’s helped to generate millions in ROI.”

Why do you keep building products that don’t serve your customer or company?

Because your roadmap is filled with hopes and guesses. But hope is not a strategy.

Instead of prioritizing the right strategic bets, you endlessly prioritize your backlog.

The company is run like a feature factory. Some projects win based on who screams loudest. Other projects are green-lit because the engineers have nothing else to work on. So you rush to market with products that alienate your customers and provide no return to the business.

We'll help you fix this with ready-to-use toolkits and live team training.

Successful product teams solve the right customer problems

High-impact product discovery is your secret weapon

Vision Strategy - Product Discovery (New Haircut)
Problem Discovery - Product Discovery (New Haircut)
Solution Discovery - Product Discovery (New Haircut)

How does your existing product discovery measure up?

Stephanie Allen - Promethean

 “I always rely on New Haircut! They're outstanding at empowering my team with customer-centered discovery tools that drive our product strategy.”

Get started with ready-to-use product discovery tools