Proven methods for launching products that win in the market and inspiring product innovation stories from leaders we admire.
Product ping pong
Three things product leaders can do to evolve from endless discussions about changing priorities and # of shipped features, to building better products in less time that the entire team is proud of.
Proving the value of design sprints to executives
13 things you can do to get senior leadership to say yes to design sprints…and subsequently make yourself one of the most highly sought after resources in your company.
CEOs + digital product development
Two things you must do as a CEO if you want to help your product development teams build scalable technology businesses (not just an app).
Design Sprints vs. Agile Dev Sprints
How and when to connect these powerful frameworks to create new products or rethink existing ones.
Improving Microsoft’s team collaboration (and Outlook) with design sprints
Alice Default is a Design Producer within Microsoft’s Outlook Mobile team. Her mission is to build a better email and calendar experience on iOS and Android.
When design sprints aren’t an option
Haya Gaviola is a Sr. UX/UI Designer at a major online payment service provider. She spends her days creating and tweaking experiences that impact millions of people’s financial transactions.
“What happens after a design sprint?”
During a design sprint you validate a big, important idea that you’ve previously researched by building a realistic, customer-testable prototype. But then what?
“We can’t innovate because _________”
Every team who hasn’t, can’t or won’t innovate has a story about why the overused “I” word continues to elude them.
Top 7 trending questions about design sprints
After facilitating many design sprints at New Haircut, organizing design thinking workshops and giving talks like this one at InVision, we’ve had the opportunity to talk shop with dozens of sprint practitioners.
Introducing Design Sprints to your team
Design sprints have been consuming conversations over the past year, amongst all sorts of makers — from authors testing out new book concepts to software teams working on the next VR breakthroughs. I mean, who wouldn’t love a prescriptive framework that enables you to validate your biggest ideas in 5 days?
12 months focusing on the wrong solution. One week to turn it all around with a design sprint.
When LRN, a company based in Montreal, came knocking on our door (by which I mean they gave us a call) to discuss an adaptive learning platform, I was excited. Both of my kids go to public school, a fact that gives me countless headaches.
Launch better products in 5 days: Part 1 of 4
Learn how you can get viable solutions in the hands of your paying customers in 5 days.